Jen Knight & The Cavaliers

Sunday nights are notoriously ‘family roast nights’ in my house, but as the only vegetarian in the family, its always utterly disappointing. Last Sunday I wanted something fresh and new. So I grabbed a buddy and headed out for a dinner and a show. A bottle of cheap wine and 20 mushroom and vegetable steamed dumplings later, my friend and I headed north to the John Curtain Hotel.

Singer, songwriter and ukulele player Al Parkinson opened the evening. I was actually so bummed that I missed her set; dumplings took way longer than expected. We did however, arrive just in time to see The Teskey Brothers grace the stage.The long haired, skinny jean clad band of four have an pretty cool sound. Its kinda folk/blues one minute, then all out rock then next. Featuring killer electric guitar solos from Sam Teskey, jungle drum interludes, and lead singer, Josh Teskey’s mellow voice, its a winning combination.

The tunes they pumped out tonight were all quite lengthy, yet they weren’t tiring or repetitive. You sort of get caught up in their sound and become immersed in the song. Although it was challenge to actually hear the lyrics over their dominant instrumentation, I did buy their self titled album. Recorded back in 2010, it has clearer lyrics, and the band seems to have a more folk, blues inspired sound.

Front and center for headliners Jen Knight and the Cavaliers, was an energetic and beaming Jen Knight and her two harmonious backup singers. The girls three part harmonies, were tight most of the time, and when backed by the solid foundations of the Cavaliers, they present a high energy rock/soul set, full of fun, comedic banter and songs to dance too.

Their track ‘Sticks,’ which has been getting some love on triple j unearthed, was even more captivating live. Jen’s ability to deliver the emotional intensity of a song to her audience is ace, and it seems infectious amongst those who share her stage. Even branching out into some rap in ‘When the Music Stops,’ then pulling out the bluegrass-esque track, ‘Be With You’ didn’t diminish Jen Knight’s abilities.

I couldn’t think of a better way to spent my Sunday evening. An intimate little gig, good food, great company and a whole lotta good tunes. I think I’ve found my new Sunday tradition.

Get Jen Knight & The Cavaliers EP ‘Hunger’ here and make sure you check out Al Parkinson and The Teskey Brothers facebook pages while your at it.